
We have an obligation to ensure that discrimination against migrants has no place in our societies.



To feed themselves and their families, up to 40% of Central Americans leave their countries and seek precarious employment in North America. Migration has become a survival strategy for many people in Central America and Mexico, but the impact of this mass exodus tears at the social fabric of entire communities that are left behind. Meanwhile, migrant workers in Canada are a vulnerable population that can be exploited due to their unfamiliarity with the legal system and their rights as workers.

What We Do

Together with our partners, we help create economic opportunities for rural Mesoamerican families and defend the rights of migrants across the region. In Canada, Horizons yearly supports over 180 seasonal migrant farmworkers from Mexico, Guatemala and the Caribbean by facilitating access to essential services.   

Horizons is committed to:

  • Focusing on income generation projects to help families stay in their communities,

  • Strengthening the social fabric of communities through workshops and youth exchanges,

  • Providing health, legal and translation services, as well as social and education opportunity, to seasonal migrant farmworkers in Northumberland County.”