Horizons of Friendship Welcomes Nominations for the Annual Founders Award
An opportunity to recognize an outstanding community volunteer from anywhere across Canada
Horizons of Friendship is pleased to announce that nominations for the annual Founders Award are now being accepted. Do you know someone in your community who has made a positive difference with their volunteer or community leadership work? This is the ideal opportunity to recognize that special Canadian who may have been working ‘under the radar’ to help improve the lives of others.
Paul Burnham presented Susan Murdock the 2017 Founders Award at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.
The purpose of the award is to recognize an individual from anywhere in Canada who demonstrates a commitment to volunteerism and leadership in addressing social inequality and injustice. The award has been given out since 2004 to commemorate the three founders of Horizons of Friendship (the late David Stewart, the late Christine Stewart and Father Tim Coughlan) who founded the organization in the spirit of volunteerism in 1973.
Horizons of Friendship invites you to nominate someone you feel meets the award criteria and whose volunteer accomplishments and leadership deserve to be celebrated. We encourage people from across Canada to nominate those outstanding citizens for the Founders Award who, no matter their age or background, are setting a positive example for others by making meaningful contributions through their volunteer activities and have not receive recognition for their work. Award criteria, the nomination form and full details of the award process can be found on our website at www.horizons.ca/What-We-Do/Canada-Locally/Founders-Award or picked‐up in person at Horizons of Friendship’s office (50 Covert Street, Cobourg). Completed forms may be submitted electronically to info@horizons.ca, dropped off at our office, or sent in by mail to Horizons of Friendship, P.O. Box 402, Cobourg, ON, K9A 4L1.
This year’s nomination deadline is May 15th, 2018.
The winner receives an one‐of‐a‐kind Founders Award commemorative bronze medal, specially crafted by renowned Northumberland artist Frances Gage, and a certificate of recognition. The recipient will also be recognized at a ceremony during the Horizons of Friendship Annual General Meeting. In addition, a financial donation will be made to one of Horizons’ development project in Central America or Mexico in honour of the recipient.